Corey O'Donnell
Software Engineer
Blog Posts
How to Focus an Input Field with a Hotkey in React
Learn how to implement a hotkey to focus an input field in your React application. This tutorial covers setting up the hotkey to focus the input field and handles showing different hotkeys based on whether the user is on a Mac or Windows system.
April 30, 2024Why Neovim is My Text Editor of Choice
As a software engineer, choosing and understanding your text editor is important part of your work, as it impacts your productivity and workflow efficiency
April 23, 2024What is a Design System and Why Is It Important for Software Engineering
Design systems play a cruicial role in bringing consistency and cohesion to your product, especially for software engineering, by improving developement efficiency, ensuring uniformity, supoorting modular structure, and enhancing accessibility, and usability.
April 19, 2024Real-time Page Views with Next.js and Supabase
Let's Build our own real-time page view tracker using Next.js as the frontend framework and a Postgres database hosted by Supabase.
December 31, 2020Create a Dynamic Sitemap with Next.js
Improve your SEO for your Next.js website by dynamically creating a sitemap.xml for efficient and accurate indexing
December 18, 2020Prerender React using Next js
When you want to improve your website's performance or search engine optimization (SEO), prerendering your application is a must. Next.js is the perfect framework
November 05, 2020Authentication for Next.js using Firebase
Add server-side and client-size authenticaiton with protexted pages on your Next.js project using Firebase for user management and data store.
October 13, 2020Dark Mode Toggle Using Tailwind CSS
Tailwind recently released a setting that enables dark mode styles. You can add a prefix to specific classes to only enable when dark mode is enabled.
October 03, 2020Importance of typography
It may not feel like typography is that important, but it can have a major effect on your reader's experience.
September 29, 2020Defeating Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT)
Sometimes it is undesirable for a website to display a system font before the font is fully loaded into the browser.
September 24, 2020Fathom Analytics: Privacy-Focused Website Analytics
The Rise of Privacy Stop stealing your visitors' personal information. Use Fathom Analytics as a privacy friendly solution for your traffic analytics.
September 23, 2020Utility-First CSS Is All the Rage
Introduction to styles When you are building a website, you typically want to style your HTML. You could use inline styles on your HTML elements.
September 18, 2020Building a VSCode Extension: Part Four
One of the of most important things to make this extension function is to figure out the best way to have the React.js app communicate with the extension framework.
September 14, 2020Managing Node.js with Volta
Volta is a command line tool used to manage your Node.js. It is built using Rust and is shipped as a static binary. It is extremely quick and effecient.
September 11, 2020Using Hashnode's API for Blog Previews
I wanted to display previews and links to my most recent posts on my portfolio website. Hashnode offers a GraphQL API to fetch your blog post information.
September 08, 2020Managing my node versions
Working on multiple projects at a time, I typically have to switch what version of node I am running. NVM is a great tool for the job.
September 02, 2020Building a VSCode Extension: Part Three
Now that I have a blank VS Code extension set up and working, I want to start building on it. Adding some Code formatting configs
September 01, 2020Building a VSCode Extension: Part Two
Now that I have an idea of what I am going to build, It's time to set up the repository. VSCode has a straightforward method for bootstrapping a new extension.
August 28, 2020Building a VSCode Extension: Part One
I have been looking for a fun side project to work on in my free time. Building projects is the best way to actually improve your skills as a developer.
August 27, 2020Being Successful While Working From Home
Working from home has some unique challenges compared to being in an office. When I worked in the office, I quickly excelled. I became the go-to guy...
August 24, 2020Remote Work Challenges
I have worked remote for nearly four years now. It has been awesome in so many ways for me and my family; I do not plan to go back to an office.
August 19, 2020Rome, All-In-One Frontend Dev Toolchain
TL;DR If you are tired of building your toolchain for your web development projects. Rome plans to be your one stop shop for all your development needs.
August 17, 2020Making the jump to start blogging!
I am ready to take my career and knowledge to the next level. One of the best ways of doing that is blogging.
August 10, 2020